Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

As this year rounds out and comes to an end, I would like to thank each and every one of my readers and friends for your support throughout the year.  May you always shine bright and keep your loved ones near.  I would also like to thank my family for this beautiful picture they took just outside their window, of the dear as they all gather in what looks to be a winter wonderland in Fairmont Hot Springs, BC this year.  Unfortunately we cannot be there, but are in spirit & heart♥.  

Best wishes, health & happiness for a very happy holiday and I look forward to what 2013 has in store...cheers!

Friday, December 7, 2012

It's A Tween's World♥

Big plans this weekend!  My daughter officially becomes a TWEEN tomorrow as she turns 12!  Is it me, or do all mothers of tween girls out there, feel like they are 12 going on 17?!  I just want to relate to!  Anyway...unfortunately for her, with a shiny new set of braces, her teeth are incredibly sore, so the party is being postponed until next weekend when she can at least bite into a cupcake or two!  Yeah, it's that bad:(  She will however be adorned by her family and showered with lots of love over the weekend with a trip to the Spa for a fresh new 'Do, pretty nails and feet!  She's what I would call my in-be'TWEEN'.  A mix of girly girl & mountain chic.  Here's some great gift ideas for the Tween or Teen girl in your life! 

Girly girl & Mountain Chic Look 
(For Tweens & Teens!)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

DIY Advent Calendar 2012'

My creativity lacked a little this year when it came to my Advent Calendar, but I did manage to come up with one that was so simple.  (Oh, and this WAS done on time, just a bit late on the posting side of things)...

This is definitely one that anyone can do!  You could mix it up, with a different linen, or cloth, heck, even dishtowels will do.  I did mine in grey & white, because I like to keep things neutral with lots of texture, but you could change up the tags and coordinate it with your colour scheme for the holidays and your set! 

Materials needed:

~ Linen, cotton or any fabric of choice that easily ties together (cut into 24 1ft squares) 
~ Popsicle sticks (24)
~ Card stock paper of any colour  
~ Glue Stick (or any crafters glue will do)
~ Scissors


1. Print out numbers 1-24 in strips and cut out in shapes of mini flags.
2. Glue flags to the sticks.
3. Cut out your fabric into 24 - 12" x 12" squares or desired size (depending on the goodies you want to add!).  Make sure the ends aren't fraying, otherwise hem the ends.
4. Place your goodies into the center and tie two ends together first and then the other two ends to form a criss cross in the middle.  
5. Push in your popsicle stick into the middle of the knot and set out for display and watch the kids dig in! EASY PEASY! Looks a little 'french bistro' and I love this rustic look!

Makes a great centerpiece or place in a tray at the entryway for added holiday decor!  Best of all, you can reuse the sack fabric at the end for next year or place on the tree!    
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