Oh the glorious madness of the Advent. You know it is! The wheels constantly turning in your head, trying to come up with a new and creative advent for the holidays. At least that describes me anyway...
With only 5 days left, my advent creativity is seriously lacking this year, but I am destined to come up with something by then! In the meantime, you can check out the one I did last year right here.
I actually saved this one, & decided to use these as decorations on our tree this year:) I totally believe in reusing what you have and creating new things to add. I've never been one to go crazy with buying new decorations for the holidays.
I'm also linking last year's Advent to the amazing blog Classy Clutter run by two lovely ladies, Mallory & Savannah!
If you would also like to link up any holiday ideas, recipes or handmade goodies YOU created, click here!
Love to hear your Advent ideas out there!
Have a great Sunday!